Strategy dialogue

Strategy is rarely made by the CEO behind a desk. Successful strategy-making requires the involvement of brains scattered around the organization. The process demands extensive dialogue to exchange ideas and views, to explore new possibilities, evaluate strategic alternatives and assess potential risks. We can facilitate such dialogue as part of a strategy-making processes, but also as part of a training program.

Your objectives

  • Encourage out of the box strategic thinking throughout the firm
  • Get key groups of managers to challenge each others' views
  • Build a common understanding of changing industry conditions
  • Explore innovative possibilities and evaluate their potential
  • Create a culture of open discussion and strategic exploration

Our solutions

  • A variety of dialogue formats involving smaller or larger groups
  • Strategic innovation workshops to kick start thinking
  • Strategy assignments to be carried out by taskforces
  • Road shows by senior management to interact with employees
  • Flyers, websites and materials to focus organizational attention
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