Conferences & seminars

Companies can use conferences and seminars to organize discussions and communicate policy, both inside the company and towards external stakeholders, such as customers, suppliers, potential employees and local communities. We have extensive experience in organizing small and large conferences, round table discussions, sales seminars, discussion forums and stakeholder dialogues.

Your objectives

  • Brainstorming and/or exchanging ideas and views within the firm
  • Engaging external stakeholders in dialogue on key issues
  • Communicating a message and building support
  • Establishing the firm as thought leader on an issue
  • Offering participants a thought-provoking learning experience

Our solutions

  • One- or multi-day interactive conferences or seminars
  • Strong chairmanship inviting active participation
  • Detailed preparation of issues and framing of discussion
  • Selected international speakers for key note addresses
  • Supporting materials/website before and after the event
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