Innovation is often seen as the responsibility of the product development people. But business innovation should be pursued by everyone in the firm. Distribution can be innovated, the customer service experience can be renewed, the purchasing process can be restructured, the supply chain can be reinvented, etc, etc. Innovation needs to be a normal part of the continual improvement competence of the organization. We help firms to organize their innovation pipeline and strengthen their ability to continuously learn and change.
Your objectives
- To have a filled business innovation pipeline
- To stimulate and manage the innovation process
- To have widely-distributed innovation capabilities and methodologies
- To create an innovation and change-friendly culture
- To implement innovations that come out of the pipeline
Our solutions
- Designing and implementing a structured business innovation pipeline
- Providing tools and methodologies for use in the innovation pipeline
- Training employees and managers to be “disciplined innovators”
- Facilitating project screening meetings
- Coaching individuals/teams on their innovation projects