Assessment & coaching

Knowing a person's competencies and leadership style is the first necessary step towards further development. These can be assessed through a variety of tools, such as competence profilers and 360 degree feedback methods. Yet to get a full picture of a person's abilities, roles, passions and ambitions, we believe in coaching individuals to understand and develop themselves. Our coaches work with groups and individuals, often in combination with training activities, to bring people to a higher level of effectiveness.

Your objectives

  • Assessing managers' competencies and leadership style
  • Understanding managers' beliefs, passions, roles and ambitions
  • Getting managers to take ownership of their own development
  • Give managers personal feedback and improvement advice
  • Ensure that training is translated into changed behavior

Our solutions

  • Individual and/or group coaching by experienced former-managers
  • A variety of web-enabled competence / leadership assessment tools
  • A Leadership Enhancement Action Plan (LEAP) methodology
  • A strong link with broader leadership development training
  • Involvement of boss and direct reports in improvement activities
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