Corporate strategy

Corporations that are active in two or more businesses are faced with a number of very specific strategic issues: which businesses to be in, how to add value to the businesses in the portfolio, which activities to integrate across businesses, which central services to provide, how to structure the firm and how to organize decision-making processes. We have a long track record in helping top management teams to determine their corporate level strategy, in a way that they remain in control and do the hard thinking themselves.

Your objectives

  • Shaping the corporate profile / business portfolio
  • Determining the role of the corporate / divisional center
  • Selecting and managing cross-business synergies
  • Setting organic growth vs. M&A growth priorities
  • Explaining the corporate added value to financial analysts & investors

Our solutions

  • Coordination of corporate strategy development process
  • Facilitation of workshops, discussions and brainstorming sessions
  • Support in data gathering and analysis
  • Offering of the appropriate tools and methodologies to frame issues
  • Summary of corporate strategy in communicatable format
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