The Knowledge and Learning Center

Rademakers M. (2014)

This case describes the emerging strategic role of the KLC (Knowledge and Learning Center) of the Dutch Ministry of the Interior’s IND (Immigration and Naturalization Department). It is shown how the KLC gradually increases its strategic impact on the parent organization. The authors explain how the corporate university started as a “company school” with elements such as a course catalogue, learn-and-work courses, and extra training courses and programs, and how it then built on these elements. At a certain point in time, the IND faced new challenges as it was pushed by players outside the organization to dramatically increase performance. The KLC was asked to fulfill a role of course provider to support the organization-wide program for performance enhancement. Apart from doing just that, KLC also started, step by step, to develop and run programs helping IND to implement strategic change. The case offers an example of an emergent corporate university strategy. Gradually and by “learning along the way,” the center of gravity of the KLC has shifted more and more towards being a driver of transformation. Apart from that, one of the insights that can be derived from the case is that:

“Senior management commitment plays a decisive role to gain commitment from participants in programs aimed at transformation through organizational learning.”

Keywords: strategy, corporate university, organizational learning

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