Something is sustainable if you can keep it up in the long run. In recent years, it has become commonplace to question the sustainability of our economic value-adding activities, as natural resources are being rapidly run down, while the ecological and social environment are being negatively impacted more quickly than they can recover.
But you can also run yourself down, choosing to achieve quick wins in the short run at the expense of your capacity to function and thrive over the long run. Where someone undermines their ability to keep up their level of performance over an extended period of time, we say they damage their personal sustainability.
The Sustainable You Model gives an overview of the four key areas in your personal environment in which you need to invest to remain in the game in the long run. With a wink to Muhammad Ali, these four “wings” of sustainability will allow you “to float like a butterfly, but sting like a bee”. Just as the UN has set 17 Sustainable Development Goals for the broader world community, this model presents 20 personal sustainable development goals for you as an individual.
The four key areas of personal sustainability are the following: