Leadership Agility - Dutch edition (Download Teaser!)

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Over het boek:

Leiderschap gaat over mensen zodanig beïnvloeden dat ze een bepaalde richting inslaan. Dat kun je op allerlei manieren doen. Elke leiderschapsstijl heeft inherente kwaliteiten en valkuilen en past beter bij sommige mensen en omstandigheden dan bij andere. Hoe meer inzicht leiders hebben in hun voorkeursstijl en hoe flexibeler ze weten te switchen naar een stijl die bij de situatie past, hoe effectiever ze zijn.

In dit boek brengen de auteurs tien paar tegengestelde leiderschapsstijlen in kaart. Zo krijg je als lezer steeds inzicht in de sterke en zwakke kanten van beide uitersten en het helpt je te bepalen wat op dit moment je eigen voorkeur is.

De tien dimensies van leiderschap beslaan het hele scala van leiderschapsrollen, van de leider als coach (interpersoonlijk leiderschap) tot de leider als organisator (organisationeel leiderschap), strateeg (strategisch leiderschap), betekenisgever (leiderschap & missie) en rolmodel (leiderschap & zelf).

Als lezer word je uitgenodigd om je eigen leiderschapsontwikkelingsplan uit te stippelen, met behulp van een interactieve app. Daarnaast word je uitgedaagd om na te denken over hoe je zelf met een aantal cases zou omgaan. Je kunt op een interactief webforum bekijken hoe anderen het hebben aangepakt en daarover met elkaar discussiëren. Leadership Agility is een nuttig instrument voor zowel professionals in het bedrijfsleven als voor bedrijfskundestudenten en de leiders van morgen.

Leadership Agility (Download Teaser!)

Download the teaser of the book Leadership Agility – Developing your repertoire of leadership styles.
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About the book:

Leadership is about influencing others to move in a certain direction and there are many ways of achieving this influence. Each of these leadership styles has its inherent qualities and pitfalls, and will be more suited to specific people and different circumstances. The more leaders understand their preferred leadership styles and are able to flexibly switch to the most suitable style given the situation, the more effective they will be. This book maps out ten sets of opposite leadership styles, giving the reader the possibility to understand the strengths and weaknesses of both sides, and to identify his/her own current preference.

The ten leadership style dimensions cover the full range of leadership roles, from the leader as coach (inter-personal leadership), to the leader as organizer (organizational leadership), as strategist (strategic leadership), as sense-maker (leadership and purpose) and as role model (leadership and self).

Readers are invited to draw up their own leadership development plans, which is supported by an interactive App. Readers are also challenged to reflect on how they would approach a number of cases, after which they can go to an interactive web-forum to read how others have responded and engage in a discussion with them. Leadership Agility is a useful tool for practitioners in the corporate world as well as business students and emerging leaders.


Rademakers, M. / Publisher: Rotterdam School of Management

This book is about inter-firm cooperation, and how and why it differs from country to country.

Based on a cross-national comparative study between the highly competitive Dutch and UK potato industries, the book reveals that both bilateral (i.e., firm-to-firm) and multilateral forms (i.e., business associations) of cooperation differ greatly between these countries. Moreover, it is shown that inter-firm cooperation can be considered as an important way to gain competitive advantage in internationally competitive markets.

The book provides an interpretive framework for analysis, helping to explain why distinct ways of inter-firm organization can develop in same industries, in different countries. It is argued that managers need to take into account the influence of key social institutions when they develop their strategies, and that they, to some degree, can influence them for the benefit of their organizations.


Meyer, R. / Publisher: Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM)

This study is about mapping the mind of the strategist - quantitatively measuring the core beliefs that executives have about the best way to approach strategic issues. The objective is to develop a reliable instrument for measuring these strategy beliefs, which can be reused across a broad range of cognitive studies. The intention is to create a Hofstede-like universal instrument for quantitatively capturing strategic beliefs of executives across any range of industries and cultures.

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Meyer, R.

View here

Lecture, delivered on the official acceptance of the office of professor of Corporate Strategy at TiasNimbas Business school,Tilburg University on Friday, September 11th 2009.


C4SL - Center for Strategy and Leadership has a complete set of programs and tools to improve leadership effectiveness. They are based on extensive research and on effective results of our consulting projects, along with a pragmatic analysis of the big trends in the business environment.

The outcomes of these experiences and findings are detailed in the book Leadership Agility – Developing your Repertoire of Leadership Styles (Ron Meyer and Ronald Meijers, 2017). Please, visit the dedicated website www.leadership-agility.com and download the teaser by clicking here.

You can also download the booklet Sovereign or Servant that brings our condensed and practical overview of 10 key leadership styles.

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See more about our expertise in developing Leadership effectiveness for individuals and organizations. Click here.



Meyer, R. & Wit, B. de

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Wit, B. de & Meyer, R. / Publisher: Thomson Learning (2004)

The belief that managers and potential managers will profit from understanding the major conflicting approaches to strategy forms the point of departure for this book. Ignoring the profound differences between the various schools of thought does not enhance a manager's or student's capacity for strategic thinking. Rather, it is only when there is knowledge of the various points of view can strategists truly see the range of options open to them. Then they can find a way to choose between them, or integrate them, to be practically effective. This book is intended for readers who need a strategy text, without the case material.


Wit, B. de & Meyer, R. / Publisher: South-Western Cengage Learning; 3rd edition (2010)

The belief that managers and potential managers will profit from understanding the major conflicting approaches to strategy forms the point of departure for this book. Ignoring the profound differences between the various schools of thought does not enhance a manager's or student's capacity for strategic thinking. Rather, it is only when there is knowledge of the various points of view can strategists truly see the range of options open to them. Then they can find a way to choose between them, or integrate them, to be practically effective. To structure the comparison of strategy approaches, the most important conflicting strategy perspectives have been clustered together around ten key strategy issues, one key issue per chapter. Two classic readings in each chapter by key strategic thinkers further represent the two opposite positions.

De Wit and Meyer's Strategy Synthesis actively challenges the educational orthodoxy to encourage students and managers to be critical, and to challenge them to be analytical, in order to facilitate creativity and unconventional thinking. In this text the authors carefully guide students and managers through the many, often conflicting, perspectives in the field of strategy, in order to help them become true strategic thinkers.


Wit, B. de & Meyer, R. / Publisher: South-Western Cengage Learning; 4th edition (2010)

Conventional strategic management education is dominated by a strong industry recipe that: limits the number of perspectives presented; uses an overly simplistic step-by-step strategic planning approach; reworks original material into consistent and bite-size pieces of text; and leans heavily towards the author's own domestic context in terms of the choice of perspectives, theories, examples and cases.

De Wit and Meyer's Strategy takes a strikingly different approach. The fundamental differences of opinion within strategic management are not ignored or smoothed over. Instead, the authors carefully guide the students through the many, often conflicting, perspectives in the field of strategy, in order to help them become critical and creative strategic thinkers.

Opinions on the book:

Human Systems Management (2008) , Vol. 27, pp. 87–88

“Why review a strategy teaching textbook, one might well ask, when so many are similar in content and structure? The reason is this one is different.”

Academy of Management Learning & Education (2005), Vol. 4, Nr. 4, pp. 516-517

“Therefore,[…], Strategy Synthesis presents one realistic and effective option available to most strategy instructors for improving student abilities in a number of these key areas. It is an intellectually stimulating book that is certain to engage the student reader through its unique approach.”

Unknown user on amazon.com

“Challenging... yes. Intelligent... absolutely! Relevant to the needs of people working with strategy... undoubtedly! [… ] This is an exceptional piece of work. Highly recommended.”